SNAP 2014-15 Test Dates | Notification | Pattern

Searching for information on SNAP 2014? If your answer is 'yes', then your search rightly ends here. SNAP or Symbiosis National Aptitude Test 2014 is an OMR paper pen-based MBA entrance test directed by the Symbiosis International University for MBA admission to Symbiosis University...

BSF Recruitment 2014 of Group 'C' Posts (Combatised) in BSF Engg set up (Civil) and NDRF Bns Notification

BSF is accepting applications from eligible and interested persons for BSF direct recruitment of Group "C" combatised posts in BSF Engg  setup civil and NDRF BN-2014-15. Interested and eligible candidates wishing to apply are advised to go through vacancy details, application...

Mahavitaran Vidyut Sahayyak Recruitment 2014 Notification, Application Procedure

For those who have been eagerly awaiting Mahavitaran Vidyut Sahayyak Recruitment 2014, your wait finally ends. Mahadiscom has advertised Mahadiscom Recruitment for the post of Vidyut Sahayyak. Apply online on for Mahavitaran Vidyut Sahayyak Recruitment 2014....

IOCL Non-Executive Posts Paradip Refinery Project Recruitment 2014 Notification, Application Procedure

Indian Oil Corporation Limited is in need of result oriented personnel with initiative and enterprise for its Grass root Refinery at Paradip, Odisha.Online applications are invited from candidates with prescribed qualification and minimum one year of post qualification experience...