Railway Recruitment 2014 for 12th Pass, Engineers, Diploma and ITI Holders

A career in Indian Railways is demanding there is minimum scope for errors but in the “age of cut throat competition” IR as an institution and its respective divisions offers job security and job satisfaction at all levels of working. Ranked an all-time favorite among the best companies to work for in India, railways accommodates individuals with different specialization and also guarantees training and professional growth to its employees.
Are you interested in latest Indian Railway Recruitment this section offers you the latest in terms of vacancies in India Railway.
Current opportunities:-
Indian Railway Group D Recruitment:
Group D Recruitment is conducted for technical as well as non-technical job profiles in Indian Railways. This recruitment covers both railways services as well as workshop staff. Please note that recruitment notifications for the same are issued by individual rail head as well as by various rail divisions that form the rail head.
Indian Railway Group C Recruitment:
Group C Recruitment is conducted for workshop staff as well as those employed in clerical, skilled and supervisory cadres.
Indian Railway Group B Recruitment:
Group B is gazetted services of Indian Railways and as such includes managers and temporary assistant officers.
RRC Western Railway Group D Recruitment 2014
RRC Kolkata Group D Recruitment 2014
North Eastern Railway Scouts and Guides Quota Recruitment 2014
RRC Chennai Cultural, Scouts and Guide Quota Recruitment 2014
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