UCO Bank Chief Economist Recruitment 2014 Notification, Application Procedure

Economist-IV in specialist grade on contract basis. Selected candidates would be on probation for a period of one year. After successful completion of probation candidates will be confirmed as officers in SMGS-IV position. Interested applicants wishing to apply for UCO Bank Recruitment for the post of Cheif Economist are required to submit their application latest by January 04, 2013.
Important dates for recruitment
• Last date for submission of application: 04.01.2014
UCO Bank Current Vacancy
•Post: Chief Economist
•Grade: SMGS-IV
•Cadre: Specialist cadre
•Vacancy: 01
•Pay band:Rs 30,600 – 900 / 4 – 34,200 – 1000 / 2 – 36,200.
•Period of probation:one year
Eligibility Criteria:-
•Educational Qualification: PhD in Business Economics or Economics
• Work Record:07 years of service in an All Indian Financial Institute or research in any university or business organization with minimum three years of experience in a banking firm.
• Age: Candidates wishing to apply for UCO Bank Cheif Economist Recruitment should be not less than 35 years of age and not more than 45 years of age.
Participation of Existing officers: Existing officers of UCO who fulfill the following eligibility criteria are eligible to apply. Existing officers will be allowed 5 years relaxation in the upper age limit.
How to apply for UCO Bank Recruitment for Chief Economist:
•Eligible candidates are required to type application form neatly in capital letters on A4 sized paper (210 x 277 mm) in the same format provided with advertisement. (Click here to download application format)
•Paste recent passport size photograph at the right hand top corner on the space provided for the same.
•Demand draft/pay order in terms of application fee.(candidate's name and date of birth should be written on reverse on the same).
•Application should include attested copies of educational qualification and experience. (Original documents should be produced at the time of interview).
•Application should be first sent by email to hohrd.calcutta@ucobank.co.in.
•Hard copy of application should be sent by registered or speed post to the following address
•Enevelopes used for application should be superscribed with the title "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CHIEF ECONOMIST IN SCALE-IV "
The General Manager (HRM)
Human Resource Management,
Head Office (Ist Floor)
10 B.T.M Sarani
Kolkata 700001
Application Fee: An application of Rs 400 (Rs 350 for application and Rs 50 for postal stamp) is required to be paid. This can be done through demand draft or pay order favouring UCO Bank Cheif Economist Recruitment Project – 2013 – 14 payable at Kolkata.
Procedure of Selection: Procedure of Selection consists of written test and interview.
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