The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) Kolkata Admission 2014-2015 Notification, Cut Off List, Time Table, Results

Address: The WB National University of Juridical Sciences, Dr. Ambedkar Bhavan, 12, LB Block, Sector III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700098. Tel: (+91)33-2335 7379/ 0765, Fax: (+91)33-2335 7422/ 0511
West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Admissions 2014:
Applicants can view details of admission criteria of the university.
How to apply:-
• Students can apply to University by downloading the admission form from the official website of the university or one can collect the prospectus cum application form from the university campus itself.
• During the time of admission, students must acknowledge all the certificates and registration fees along with the application form.
Admission Form
Mode of Payment:-
Students can pay the registration as well as course fees through Demand Draft.
Fees Details:-
Complete details about the fees to be paid for any of the course or subject offered by the university can be Viewed Here
Criteria for Admissions:-
• Students will be selected for any of the courses only on the basis of merit marks.
• Each of the programme offered by the university has an eligibility which has to be fulfilled by the students during their admission.
• The original entry qualification of HSC/ Diploma Certificate or Degree or Provisional Certificate and a copy attested must be submitted during the time of admission.
NUJS Kolkata Courses:
University offers variety of courses at different levels for the students. Below you may find the list of the courses opted in the university:
• Undergraduate Courses
• Post Graduate Courses
• Diploma/ Certificate Courses
• PG Diploma
• PhD
To know more about the courses offered by the university Click Here
Detailed syllabus of all the courses granted by the university is being provided on the official website and is revised time to time. To view the course syllabus Click Here
Click Here to View Results
Campus: -
NUJS provides excellent infrastructure to facilitate academic as well as extra-curricular growth of the students. The College library provides students with extensive facilities to maximize their knowledge in the field of law. Classes are conducted by excellent teaching faculties in spacious Class rooms which are well equipped for the comfort and convenience of the students. It boasts of a real moot court where students practice their court etiquette.
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences is an autonomous law university offering courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is considered one of the best amongst the elite national law schools in India built on the five-year law degree model proposed and implemented by the Bar Council of India.
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