Indian Navy Sailors for MR (Musician) Recruitment 2014 Notification, Application Procedure

Important dates for Indian Navy Sailors for MR (Musician) Recruitment 2014:
• Last date for submission of application:- May 10, 2014 (Saturday)
• Last date for submission of application for candidates of North East, J&K, Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshdweep & Minicoy Islands:- May 17,2014 (Saturday)
Current Vacancy
Name of vacancy:- MR (Musician)
Post:- Sailor
Organization:- Indian Navy
•Educational Qualification: Class 10/SSC/intermediate exam
•Age: Aspirants born between 01 Oct 1993 to 30 Sep 1997 are eligible to apply.
•Age relaxation: Candidates with higher musical ability will be given a relaxation in upper age limit.
•Musical ability:-
Should be proficient in western notation, aural aptitude and basic knowledge in theory of Music.
Should also have actual practical skill on any western classical or wind/percussion Instrument.
•Type of instruments: String, Key-board, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Instruments both of western and indian origin.
How to apply for Indian Navy Sailors for MR (Musician) Recruitment 2014:-
Application form for Indian Navy Sailors for MR (Musician) Recruitment 2014 can be downloaded from
This form needs to be submitted on A-4 size paper. Following are some important instructions to be followed for application.
a) Enevlope: Enevlopes used for application should be brown in color and should contain type of entry, choice of centre and percentage
of marks in 10th. Eg:MR Musician- MUMBAI – 68.7 %.
b)List of documents:
Attested copy of
• Matriculation certificate(for verification of Date of Birth)
• 10th mark sheet
• NCC/Sports certificate
• DomicileCertificate.
c)Photograph: One recent passport sized photograph with application form. You are required to write your name and sign on the reverse on of the photograph. The background of the photograph should be blue.
(d) Examination centres: You are required to choose an examination center from the following given choices (Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi,
Kochi, Visakhapatnam).
The Commanding Officer, (for Director of Music)
INS Kunjali, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005
Procedure of Selection: Aspirants would be selected on the basis of performance in
Musical Screening Test
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
fitness in the Medical Examinations.
For more details Click Here
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