SBI Assistant in Clerical Grade Recruitment 2014 Notification, Application Procedure

Important dates for SBI Assistant in Clerical Grade Recruitment 2014
•Apply online on website from 26/05/2014 (Monday) to 14/06/2014 (Saturday)
•Date of Closure for Edit:- 14/06/2014 (Saturday)
•Last Date for Reprint of Application:- 29/06/2014 (Sunday)
•Online Fee Payment:- 26/05/2014 (Monday) to 14/06/2014 (Saturday) (both dates inclusive)
•Offline Fee payment (through CBS challan):- 28/05/2014 (Wednesday) to 17/06/2014 (Tuesday) (both dates inclusive)
SBI Assistant in Clerical Grade Recruitment
•Total Number of Vacancies: 5,092 (General- 2690, SC- 760, ST- 463, OBC- 1179)
•Age: Candidates aged between 20 and 28 years of age are eligible to apply.
•Relaxations in upper age limit:
a)SC/ST - 5 years
b)Other Backward Classes (OBC) - 3 years
•Educational qualification:
a) Graduation (Degree) from a recognized university or an equivalent qualification as recognized by the central or state government.
b) Those in their final year of graduation/semester exam may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that if called for the interview they will be required to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 31.08.2014.
How to apply for SBI Assistant in Clerical Grade Recruitment
Candidates should have valid email ID which should be kept active till the declaration of results. This registered email-ID is a vital link for correspondence. Candidates are required to register themselves online through Bank’s website or After registration candidates are required to pay fee through either online(using Debit/Credit card /Internet banking) or off line mode.
•SC/ST/PWD/XS - Rs. 100/- (Intimation Charges only)
•General and OBC - Rs. 450/- (Application fee including intimation charges)
The payment can be made by using MASTER/VISA debit/ credit cards or internet banking facility.
SBI Assistants in Clerical Cadre Exam Pattern:-
The SBI Assistants in Clerical Cadre Exam Pattern shall consist of the following sections
(i) General Awareness
(ii) General English
(iii) Quantitative Aptitude
(iv) Reasoning Ability
(v) Marketing Aptitude/ Computer Knowledge.
• Medium of examination: English and Hindi (except for general english section)
• Marks for each test: 40 marks
• Total Marks: 200 marks
• Duration: 2 hours and 15 minutes
• Negative marking: 1/4 marks
The passing marks in each of the tests will be decided by the Bank on the basis of the performance of all the competing candidates taken together in each test to a minimum required level. Candidates are also required to score a minimum percentage marks in aggregate (For SC/ST/OBC/PWD/XS candidates, 5% relaxation available thereon) for being considered for interview.Minimum percentage marks on aggregate will be decided by the bank.
Procedure of Selection: Final selection of candidates will be made on the basis of performance in online test and interview taken together.
For more details Click Here
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