IIT JAM 2015 Test Dates | Notification | Syllabus | Pattern

Highlights of IIT JAM 2015:-
•IIT Guwahati is the conducting institute for IIT JAM 2015.
•This exam is considered as a national single entrance test for admission to various M.Sc., M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual degree and other post-B.Sc. programs
•JAM 2015 will be conducted as a Computer Based Test (CBT) online for all seven test papers.
•All candidates wishing to apply for IIT JAM are required to do so online.
•NO hardcopies of documents (except challan) are to be sent to the Organizing Institute. The documents (if applicable) are to be uploaded to the online application website only.
•All seven test papers will be of objective type with three different pattern of questions
a) Multiple Choice questions (MCQ): four choices with one correct answer.
b) Multiple Select questions (MSQ): four choices with one or more than one correct answer.
c) Numerical Answer Type (NAT): for such questions the answer is a signed real number that needs to be entered using the virtual keypad. There are no options for these type of questions.
IIT JAM Colleges/Admitting Institutes:-
01. IISc Bangalore
02. IIT Bhubaneshwar
03. IIT Bombay
04. IIT Delhi
05. IIT Gandhinagar
06. IIT Guwahati * (organising institute for JAM 2015)
07. IIT Hyderabad
08. IIT Indore
09. IIT Kanpur
10. IIT Kharagpur
11. IIT Madras
12. IIT Roorkee
13. IIT Ropar
Important Dates for IIT JAM 2015:-
Start date for online application: September 03, 2014 (Wednesday).
Last date for online application: October 09, 2014 (Thursday).
Last date for payment of application fee through SBI challan: September 30, 2014 (Thursday).
IIT JAM 2015 Exam date: February 08, 2014 (Sunday).
Session I - 09:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon - Biological Sciences (BL), Mathematics (MA), Physics (PH)
Session II - 02:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. - Biotechnology (BT), Chemistry (CY), Geology (GG), Mathematical Statistics (MS)
Result Declaration: March 19, 2015 (Thursday).
Eligibility for IIT JAM 2015:-
a) For IIT Guwahati:-
• 55 percent marks or 6.0 CPI on a scale of 10 without rounding off in Major/Honors and pass in all subjects including languages and subsidiaries.
• 60 percent marks of 6.5 CPI on a scale of 10, without rounding off, in Major/Honors and Pass in all other subjects, including Languages and Subsidiaries.
For Un Reserved/OBC(NCL) Category Candidates:-
•50 percent marks or 5.5 CPI on a scale of 10, without rounding off, in Major/Honors and pass in all other subjects, including Languages and Subsidiaries
• 55 percent marks or 6.0 CPI on a scale of 10, without rounding off, taking into account all subjects, including Languages and Subsidiaries, all years combined, for SC/ST and PwD Category Candidates, in the qualifying degree.
b) For IISc Bangalore: First class (as declared by the university) for Un Reserved/OBC category candidates and second class (as declared by the University) or 50% aggregate marks, without rounding off, for SC/ST and PwD category candidates in the qualifying degree.
c) For other Indian Institutes of Technology:-
•At least 55% aggregate marks, without rounding off, (taking into account all subjects, including languages and subsidiaries, all years combined).
•At least 50% aggregate marks, without rounding off, (taking into account allsubjects, including languages and subsidiaries, all years combined) for SC/ST and PwD Category candidates in the qualifying degree. For candidates with letter grades/CGPA (instead of percentage of marks) the equivalence in percentage of marks will be decided by the admitting institute(s).
IIT JAM 2015 Test centers:-
IISc Bangalore
Bengaluru, Hubli,
Kollam, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Mangalore, Palakkad, Thrissur
IIT Bombay
Ahmedabad, Goa,
Hyderabad, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nanded, Nasik, Pune, Vadodara
IIT Delhi
Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Hisar, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu, Jodhpur, New
IIT Guwahati
Asansol, Dhanbad,
Durgapur, Guwahati, Jorhat, Kalyani, Patna, Siliguri
IIT Kanpur
Agra, Allahabad,
Bareilly, Bhopal, Kanpur, Lucknow, Varanasi
IIT Kharagpur
Kharagpur, Kolkata, Raipur, Ranchi, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam
IIT Madras
Coimbatore, Ernakulam, Madurai, Ongole, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruchirapalli,
IIT Roorkee
Jalandhar-Phagwara, Kurukshetra, NOIDA, Mohali-Rupnagar-Fatehgarh Sahib,
Moradabad, Roorkee-Muzaffarnagar
How to apply for IIT JAM 2015 exam?
01. Interested and eligible aspirants wishing to apply for IIT JAM 2015 exam are required to apply online on http://www.iitg.ernet.in/jam2015 or http://www.iitg.ac.in/jam2015.02. IIT JAM 2015 online application form for registration will be accepted between September 03, 2014 (Wednesday) and October 09, 2014 (Thursday).
03. Applications will not be accepted through any other mean or mode.
04. No hardcopy of documents (except SBI challan) is to be sent to the IIT JAM 2015 organising institute: IIT Guwahati.
05. Document applicable if any, are to be uploaded on the online application website only.
IIT JAM 2015 application fee:-
Fee for One Test Paper
Fee for Two Test
Male and Others
IIT JAM 2015 application fee can be paid either online or through SBI bank challan.Please note that additional bank charges may apply for the above payment. This application fee is non-refundable. The last date for payment of application fee through SBI bank challan is September 30, 2014 (Thursday).
IIT JAM 2015 Paper Pattern:-
IIT JAM 2015 exam will conducted for seven test papers.
01. Biological Science (BL), 02. Biotechnology (BT), 03. Chemistry (CY), 04.Geology (GG), 05. Mathematics (MA), 06. Mathematical Statistics (MS) and Physics (PH).
All seven test papers will be of fully objective type with the following pattern of questions:
a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) : Each MCQ type question has four choices out of which only one choice is the correct answer.
b) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) : Each MSQ type question is similar to MCQ but with a difference that there may be one or more than one choice(s) that are correct out of the four given choices.
c)Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions: For each NAT type question, the answer is a signed real number which needs to be entered using the virtual keypad on the monitor. No choices will be shown for these type of questions.
IIT JAM 2015 Sample Papers:-
CLICK HERE for IIT JAM 2014 Question Papers
CLICK HERE for IIT JAM 2014 Questions Papers
IIT JAM 2015 Preparation:-
Following are five important tips for IIT JAM Preparations:-
TIP #01: Prepare for a timetable for study.
TIP# 02: Allocate sufficient time for study of topics.
TIP# 03: For maths and physics section practise sums and be thorough with formulaes and theorems.
TIP# 04: Practise Sample Papers.
TIP# 05: Revise what you study and read on a regular basis.
IIT JAM Courses:-
Indian Institute
of Science Bangalore
IIT Khargapur
IIT Bhuvaneshwar
IIT Guwahati
Ph.D. Programs in
(i) Biological Sciences (ii) Chemical Sciences (iii) Mathematical Sciences (iv) Physical Sciences. |
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D. Programs in
(i) Chemistry (ii) Geology (iii) Mathematics (iv) Physics. |
M.Sc.-Ph.D. Programs in
(i) Chemistry (ii) Earth Science (iii) Mathematics (iv) Physics. |
Two- year Master of Science (M.Sc.) Programs in
(i) Chemistry (ii) Mathematics and Computing (iii) Physics. |
IIT Bombay
IIT Kanpur
IIT Delhi
IIT Hyderabad
Two- year
Master of Science (M.Sc.) Programs in
(i) Applied Geology (ii) Applied Geophysics (iii) Applied Statistics and Informatics (iv) Biotechnology (v) Chemistry (vi) Mathematics (vii) Physics. Four - year Dual Degree Program in M.Sc. (Physics)- M.Tech. (Materials Science) with specialization in Nano - Science and Technology. M.Sc. - Ph.D. Dual Degree Programs in (i) Applied Geology (ii) Applied Geophysics (iii) Biotechnology (iv) Chemistry (v) Energy (vi) Environmental Science and Engineering (vii) Operations Research (viii) Physics. |
Two year Master of Science (M.Sc.) Programs in
(i) Chemistry (ii) Mathematics (iii) Physics (iv) Statistics. M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree Program in Physics (Transfer from M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree Program to M.Sc. Physics Program is not permitted. However, for the students admitted to the M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree Program, the M.Sc. degree will be given after successful completion of all academic requirements of the first six semesters while working towards Ph.D. degree |
Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) Programs in
(i) Chemistry (ii) Mathematics (iii) Physics |
Two-year M.Sc. Programs in
(i) Chemistry (ii) Mathematics (iii) Physics |
Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) Programs in
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Mathematics (iii) Physics. |
Two Year Master of Science (M.Sc) Programs in
(i)Applied Geology
(ii)Applied Mathematics
(iii) Biotechnology
(iv) Chemistry
(v) Industrial Mathematics and Informatics
(vi) Physics
IIT Gandhinagar
IIT Indore
Two- year Master of Science (M.Sc.) Programs in
(i) Chemistry (ii) Mathematics (iii) Physics. |
Two Year Master of Science Programs (M.Sc) in
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Physics
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