AIPVT 2015 Exam Dates | Notification | Pattern

AIPVT 2015: All India Pre-Veterinary 2015 directed by the Veterinary Council of India (VCI) is a paper-pen based entrance test directed for admission to 15 percent of seats in first year B.V.Sc and A.H. courses in VCI and UGC approved Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Colleges in India. This exam is accepted throughout the country,with the only exception being the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Veterinary science and animal husbandry as a stream of study and profession is yet to receive its due. However over the years there has been considerable change in approach as well in outlook. One part of this change has been the formation of the Veterinary Council of India and second the conduct of the AIPVT exam. AIPVT or All India Pre-veterinary exam has standardized the scheme of admission for first year programs in veterinary science and animal husbandry. In doing so it has offered a new lease of life for the course and has rendered due prominence to this professional stream of medical science.
Important Dates for AIPVT 2015:-
The information bulletin and application form can be obtained by post from controller of examination, Veterinary Council of India, A Wing, 2nd Floor, August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066 by sending a demand draft of Rs 1600/- for General/OBC category and Rs 850/- for SC/ST category in favour of "Veterinary Council of India Examination Fund" payable at New Delhi on any Scheduled Bank.
Application form duly filled and signed by the candidate should reach the office of the council before the last date for form submission.
Application form should be submitted through Speed/Registered Post only.
AIPVT Colleges
Eligibility for AIPVT 2015:-
•Qualification-Class 12 science stream with subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths.
•Aggregate- 50 percent in case of general category candidates.
•Relaxation in aggregate- 40 percent in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates.
•Age- Applicants aged between 17 and 25 years as on 31st December of the following year are eligible to apply for AIPVT 2015.
How to Apply for AIPVT 2015?
Candidates who are interested in getting the information brochure and application forms through the Post, must send a demand draft of Rs 1600 (Rs 850 for reserved categories) drawn in the favour of the "Veterinary Council of India- Examination Fund", payable at New Delhi.
The Demand Draft should be sent at the following address:- Controller of Examination, Veterinary Council of India, ‘A’ Wing, 2nd Floor, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
While requesting for information bulletin and application form by post the candidate is required to send
The prospectus and application forms can be obtained from the office of the Registrars of Veterinary Council in person against payment of Rs. 1500 (Rs. 750 for reserved categories) through demand draft drawn in favor of "Veterinary Council of India Examination Fund" and payable at New Delhi on any of the following schedule banks.
Click here for list of Schedule Banks
Information Bulletin and application form can also be obtained by hand against payment of cash from the branches of Vijaya Bank (Rs 1500 in case of general category candidates and Rs 750 for reserved category candidates)
Click here for list of Vijaya Banks
AIPVT 2015 Paper Pattern:-
Candidates who are interested in getting the information brochure and application forms through the Post, must send a demand draft of Rs 1600 (Rs 850 for reserved categories) drawn in the favour of the "Veterinary Council of India- Examination Fund", payable at New Delhi.
The Demand Draft should be sent at the following address:- Controller of Examination, Veterinary Council of India, ‘A’ Wing, 2nd Floor, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
While requesting for information bulletin and application form by post the candidate is required to send
- Demand draft of Rs 1600 for general (Rs 850 for SC/ST category). Payment through any other mode will not be accepted.
- Demand draft prior to the date of advertisement will not be accepted.
- Two plain paper slips with name and address (in capital letters) with pin code.
The prospectus and application forms can be obtained from the office of the Registrars of Veterinary Council in person against payment of Rs. 1500 (Rs. 750 for reserved categories) through demand draft drawn in favor of "Veterinary Council of India Examination Fund" and payable at New Delhi on any of the following schedule banks.
Click here for list of Schedule Banks
Information Bulletin and application form can also be obtained by hand against payment of cash from the branches of Vijaya Bank (Rs 1500 in case of general category candidates and Rs 750 for reserved category candidates)
Click here for list of Vijaya Banks
AIPVT 2015 Paper Pattern:-
•Duration- 180 minutes (3 hours)
•Type of Questions- Objective type questions
•Number of Questions- 200 questions
•Sections wise bifurcation
a)Physics- 60 marks
b)Chemistry- 60 marks
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