IAS 2015 Exam Dates | Notification | Pattern

Your search for information on IAS 2015 exam rightly ends here. IAS exam is a national, paper-pen based "Competitive Entrance Examination" for Government Services directed by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
The Civil Services Examination is a three stage process spanning nearly 12 months.
STAGE 01: PRELIMINARY EXAM- IAS 2015 aspirants need to write a preliminary exam known as CSAT consisting of two papers. CSAT test aspirants in subjects of economics, politics, history, geography, environment, awareness of current affairs, reading comprehension, logical reasoning and basic numeracy skills. Only those who qualify the prelims exam are eligible to apply for IAS 2015 Mains Paper.
STAGE 02: MAIN EXAMINATION- The IAS 2015 Main examination shall consist of nine papers. These papers test the administrative aspirant's knowledge of Indian and world history, constitutional law, international relations and multilateral bodies, world geography and administrative ethics.
STAGE 03: INTERVIEW:- Aspirants who clear the main examination are then interviewed by the Union Public Service Commission and the Final list of recommended IAS aspirants are presented to the Government of India.
IAS exam is known as one of the most toughest exams in country because of the huge disparity between the number of individuals who have appeared and the number of individuals who get selected as an IAS officer.
An Example
- Year= 2012
- Number of individuals who appeared for IAS exam= 50,000
- Number of individuals who got selected as an IAS officer= 170
- Ratio= 0.0034.
However as they say Many are called few are chosen they are only a select few who make it to the final list of candidates selected for jobs under IAS.
Did you know: IAS Exam is a CSE (Combined Service Examination) administered by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). Conducted twice a year, this exam is also used for other civil services like the IPS, IFS and central vacancies in Group A and B apart from admission to IAS.
Career of an IAS officer:- An IAS officer is a civil servant responsible for law, order and general administration. The key responsibilities in the career of an IAS officer include
- Handling the daily affairs of the government, including framing and implementation of policy in consultation with the minister-in-charge of the concerned ministry.
- Implementation of policy requires supervision.
- Implementation requiring travelling to places where the policies are being implemented.
- Implementation also including expenditure of public funds which again requires personal supervision as the officers are answerable to the Parliament and State Legislature for any irregularities that may occur.
IAS Exam Dates 2015
IAS 2015 Eligibility Criteria
Nationality: Indian Citizen. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) who have migrated to the country are also eligible to apply for IAS 2015.
Educational Qualification: Graduation in any stream from a university recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Final year students who get their degree before July 2015 are also eligible to apply for IAS exam 2015.
Aggregate: Any percentage.
a) Minimum age: 21 years
b) Maximum age: 30 years
Relaxations in age:
a. SC/ST candidates: 35 years
b. OBC candidates: 33 years
c.Ex-servicemen: 5 year exemption in upper age limit.
Number of Attempts:
- General category candidates: 04 attempts
- OBC candidates: 07 attempts
- SC/ST: No limit on attempts till the age of 35.
How to Apply for IAS 2015 exam ?
Candidates have the option of applying online as well as offline for the IAS Exam 2015 . Following is a step by step procedure for IAS exam registration.
Online Mode:-
STEP 01: Log on to UPSC online application website for various exams (http://upsconline.nic.in/index.php)
STEP 02: Create a Login ID in case you are a new user.
STEP 03: Click on "Online Recruitment Application (ORA)" link for IAS Exam.
STEP 03: Click on "Apply Now Link"
STEP 04: Once this is done you will be required to login to your account with user name and password.
STEP 05: Registration for the Exam consists of two parts i.e. PART-I and PART-II
STEP 06: Upload passport sized photograph and signature
STEP 07: Payment of Application Fee (this is important to proceed to the next stage of registration.
STEP 08: Click on Preview to view details before final submission.
STEP 09: Note registration number obtained at the successful completion of online registration.
Offline Mode:
STEP 1- Obtain application form from any of specified posts offices in the country.
STEP 2- Pay application fee.
STEP 3- Fill in details in IAS application form
STEP 4- Send the completed application form along with relevant documents to the address mentioned in the notification before the last date for receipt of application.
IAS Application fee or registration Fee:
The Application fee for IAS Preliminary Exam is Rs 100/-.
The Application fee for IAS Main Exam is Rs 200/-.
SC/ST and female candidates are required to pay a reduced fee of Rs 50/-.
Following is the mode of payment of IAS 2015 Application Fees:
1. Payment in cash at specified branches of the State Bank of India through the pay in slip generated by the Online Recruitment Application System.
2. Payment online through net banking facility offered by the State Bank of India and its associate banks (State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Travancore and State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur). This facility is reserved for customers with net banking facility.
3. Pay Online using any Visa/Master Debit or Credit card issued by any Bank/Institution.
IAS 2015 Paper Pattern:-
Papers- Two (Prelims and Mains)
Preliminary Exam Paper- Consists of Two Papers
Studies Paper I
General Studies
Paper II
Maximum Marks- 200
Maximum Marks- 200
Number of Questions- 100
Number of Questions- 80
Duration- 2 hours
(120 minutes)
Duration- 2 hours
(120 minutes)
Mains Exam: The main exam consists of seven papers
PAPER-I: English
300 marks (Section 1 Essay-200 Marks Section 2 English Comprehension &
English Precis-100 Marks)
PAPER-II: General
Studies- I: Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World
and Society-250 Marks
PAPER-III: General
Studies- II: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and
International relations-250 Marks
PAPER-IV: General
Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment,
Security and Disaster Management-250 marks
PAPER-V: General
Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude-250 Marks
PAPER-VI : Optional
Subject Papers I 250 Marks
Changes in IAS Paper Pattern:-
- Applicants now have to write the exam in a consolidated question paper cum answer book.
- Short answer type questions have been introduced in exam.
- Answers need to be written according to the predefined topics mentioned in the question or sub question.
- Applicants can take questions papers home.
IAS Online Application Form IAS Admit Card
IAS Preparation Tips IAS Books
IAS Syllabus IAS Sample Papers
IAS Coaching Institutes
Progression of IAS Officers:-
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