Best Books for VITEEE Preparation

Following is a list of recommended books for the exam.
•Disha Comprehensive Guide to VITEEE (Disha Experts)
•Target VITEEE Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam : 7 Mock test + Solved papers (2006-2012) (Disha Publications)
•Target VITEEE (Solved 2006-2011 + 7 Mock tests) (Disha Publications)
Books for Biology
•Arihant Biology Olympiad (Dr. RK Manglik)
•AC Dutta Botany
•Pradeep Biology
•MTG (Biology Today)
Books for Mathematics
•Arihant Algebra (SK Goyal)
•Calculus J Edward
•Higher Algebra (Bernard and Child)
•Maths XI and XII (RS Agarwal)
Books for Chemistry
•S Chand ISC Chemistry (R.D. Madan)
•Fundamentals of Physics (Rohit Mehta and VK Mehta)
•Dinesh Chemistry
•NCERT Chemistry (Part I and II)
Books for Physics
•Physics (HC Verma)
•Concept of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT
•Physics: CBSE PMT set of 3 Volumes by Anil Aggarwal
•NCERT (Physics Part I and II)
VITEEE Syllabus
VITEEE Online Application Form VITEEE Admit Card
VITEEE Sample Papers VITEEE Preparation Tips
Top VITEEE Coaching Institutes VITEEE Test Centers
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